miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

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domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Make Money Online 2000$

For our investors, we have developed a profitable partner program, which has two levels. Invite your 
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Recently someone gave me feedback about one of the ads on my blog. The feedback was very pertinent, saying that the ad looked "scammish" and gave a bad impression of my blog. The ad was about some easy way to make online $2000-$3000 a week.
Unfortunately we all know that there is no magic bullet to make this kind of money. However, I believe that there are a lot of real opportunities online to make a few bucks here and there. Again no shortcuts to becoming a millionaire, but realistic ways to make a bit of cash quickly.
So here are 10 ideas that you can use to get some pocket money easily.
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martes, 7 de julio de 2015



   We started a new SPECIAL OFFER that you going to have a fun with and in the same time you will get a reward of 2.50 USD.
ermail. You can only display this special link to apparent place (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blogs etc.) to get 100 entries or 100 clicks on the link. In a right corner you have a list unique users who already clicked on your link.

This link is used for display:

http://www.ermail.com /klik/UnNWYGQ=

Invite your friends quickly and easily by a user banner.
Place the banner to your sites or to different visible places.
ATTENTION! The users who are referred by this user banner will be on your referral table twice as long time.
If you will prepare (or you already prepared) your own design of a user banner you can sent it to us to banner[at]ermail.com, and we will place your banner to this list.

Own experience:

We tasted how much time it takes to reach 100 entries. We used Facebook and the web blog to display the link. We posted the link at our wall, to a friend's comments, groups of friends, photos and everywhere where is a big flow of visitors.
In 27 minutes was displayed 92 links and obtained 703 entries (100 would have been enough).

That is why we strongly suggest to put out this link anywhere on a visible place on the net. The most effective: Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Google+, email, ICQ and many other.

Try it your self.

Enjoy it!

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

save my Hacker

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Avis et Critique du film « Hacker »

commencer avec le hacking

Les étapes à suivre pour commencer avec le Hacking


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Mon site a été piraté, que faire ?


Hacking et sécurité des sites de vente en ligne


Nouvelles techniques de piratage via les extensions de navigateurs


Test du service VPNFacile


Donne moi ton IP, je te dirai qui tu es


Comment savoir qu’un paiement en ligne est sécurisé ?


5 mythes sur le Hacking que vous devez arrêter de croire


[Référence] Mon compte a été piraté, que faire ?

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10 Astuces pour devenir meilleur en programmation


Mais alors pourquoi sommes-nous toujours piratés ?


Critique du livre « Je sais qui vous êtes » + 4 exemplaires offerts

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Trouver les traces d’un pirate en 3 étapes radicales

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« Un antivirus, ça sert à rien. »

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