domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Facebook buys whatsapp

Facebook buys whatsapp
Facebook, the company said Wednesday that it would buy the company "whatsapp" message service on smart mobile phones for $ 19 billion, including $ 4 billion will be paid in cash, about $ 12 billion in shares and $ 3 billion is distributed to employees over four years in the form of shares in the company subject to the

The move is part of the largest social network in the world to enhance their popularity, especially among young people.

Under the agreement, will join Jean, co-founder and CEO of whatsapp father "to the Board of Facebook, the social network will be granted restricted stock units worth $ 3 billion to the founders of the" TS "including.

Facebook also promised to maintain brand and service "TS", and pledged $ 1 billion in cash as a termination of contract fees if the deal failed.

Facebook shares slipped 5 per cent to 64.70 dollars in subsequent transactions to close in the NASDAQ. Movil Ta

Nokia x phone with Android

Nokia x phone with Android
The Finnish company Nokia, launched during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the first working phones running Android, which Google Inc. evolved.

The company unveiled the new phone, which will be called "Nokia", processor speed 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB cache.

Although the new phone is running Android, it will give the user access to the Nokia x store store "instead of" Google play.

And through Android, it seems that Nokia was adopted for previous smart phones Windows from Microsoft, hopes to increase its sales in the mobile market.

According to data company "strategic analitk" research in the area of technology, 79 percent of smart phones sold in the last year running Android.

In the second place, it was replaced by iPhones running Apple's 15 per cent, while the harvested organs operating system "Windows" four per cent. Movil Ta

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Apple acknowledges flaw exposes user data

Apple acknowledges flaw exposes user data
Apple acknowledged the US vulnerability in OS "iOS" for mobile devices in an official statement published Friday on its Web site for technical support.

According to Apple, the vulnerability allows hackers to intercept the data exchanged by the user with websites and online services and its decryption and information users.

The Matthew Greene, an expert in data encryption in Johns Hopkins University that any hacker can access to the telecom network to intercept data users of mobile Apple devices and modified "worse than imaginable."

Apple did not disclose the date of disclosure of this loophole that allows bypassing encryption system in the exchange of user data, nor was the pirates actually backwards.

To fix the gap, Apple has released iOS update 7.0.6 for your mobile devices and said that the aim is to fix the flaw in SSL Connection "which in encrypted communication layer between the phone and the electronic services.

This update is for iPhone from the fourth generation, iPod touch from the fifth generation, the iPad 2 and fired afterwards.

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

The deceived company fined for Facebook users

"The deceived" company fined for Facebook users
The regulatory authority fined pay phone "iPhone with any gaming company plus $ 45 thousand pounds" to deceive "Facebook users, as promised via an electronic bulletin to inform people who viewed their pages, to later convert to a game site for the company, withdraw money from them.

"The iPhone in any place that the company" noboint "was withdrawing £ 4.50 per week amount entering its website, requiring fine them $ 45,000 pounds.

"Nobint" has developed an electronic bulletin entice users of social-networking website Facebook to enter through "make promises to them of the names of people who viewed their own site.

"When Facebook users to link advertising is posting a link game on the user page, which is converted to the game site.

"Request users to enter phone numbers in your game to increase their chances of winning prizes, without them knowing it will withdraw £ 4.50 from their weekly telephone".

"IPhone in any place that it received 8 complaints on the subject, calling on" all those affected to lodge complaints Movil Ta

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Sales of the PlayStation 4 "beyond expectation"

Sales of the PlayStation 4 "beyond expectation"
Sony has announced on their success in achieving high sales around the world for most organs of the PlayStation 4, exceeded initial expectations.

The Japanese company has forecast that sales of the device by the end of next March to 5 million units, but sales surpassed the barrier of 5.3 million units worldwide, according to Sony.

And is expected to achieve "PlayStation 4" more superiority over rival "Xbox", when you put the device in Japan on 11 March.

Press reports indicate that Microsoft, the developer of a "Xbox", betting on the game "taitn" bean, described by some observers as the most anticipated games for the new generation of games consoles.

Sony was able to outdo last month in the United States registered almost double sales figures made by Microsoft, according to the Foundation, "the BBC", note that recent sales figures "Xbox" and talked about the sale of 3.9 million units worldwide.

Blood test without pricking needles

Blood test without pricking needles
Scientists have invented a modern way to blood test does not depend on acupuncture, by way of temperature dependent blood, levels, through electronic chips are placed on the skin.

The doctor can check a patient's blood without even a traditional acupuncture, by placing small electronic chips in five regions of the body.

Doctors and researchers working in a hospital in Barcelona, Spain on the testing of this type of medical examinations through slides to monitor blood sugar levels, for example.

This method was first used by Russian astronauts in the early 1990 's and had limited use and results is identical with a blood test.

It was previously used in China and the countries of Eastern Europe, such as Germany and Austria, have shown impressive results, but researchers later developed to give high accuracy in the results.

Doctor Antonio sikras said: "these chips detect the temperature through the regular mechanisms in the body, these chips must be placed on the index finger and underarms and navel area which show broad bike body heat what enables us to measure the levels and standards of blood."

It should be noted that this method can be used to detect specific diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS because the machine did not complete its programming after detecting such diseases. Movil Ta

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Devices built like termites.

Devices built like termites.
U.s. researchers said they have developed devices self-propelled robot resemble termites in terms of simple materials used in the construction of complex structures.

The researchers under the auspices of Justin, lavish opulence of Harvard University in Massachusetts in the study results, published Thursday, the journal Science said they drew inspiration from the idea of an insect termites.

The researchers plan to put this insect sketched how the building should be implemented for Android devices themselves according to simple rules.

Insecticides can termites build mounds height 500 such as high the insect itself, up to about one centimeter, without a plan, relying on the work of their peers and the surrounding environment, an idea adopted by the lavish opulence and colleagues. Movil Ta

Greater integration of television services company

time warner cable
News reports said that Comcast is buying time warner cable in a deal that valued the smaller rival at 45.2 billion dollars after a six-month-long struggle to promote fragmented u.s. market for paid television services.

And the British Financial Times newspaper said the deal, which will be confirmed later Thursday will be the largest and second-largest cable television service companies in terms of the number of participants is likely to be an intense battle by regulatory bodies.

And Comcast is expected to give up about 3 million subscribers when the deal was made.

The deal came after lengthy efforts by the "Charter" and is the third largest cable television services in the United States, which has offered $ 132.50 per share of time Warner stock.

According to sources, Comcast paid 89.68 dollars a share in time warner cable the idea of a joint bid with Charter to purchase Time Warner, but decided not to do so after it started a Charter will be forced to a hostile takeover bid for larger rival control.

The price is provided by Comcast up 17.37% of the price of time Warner shares closed at $ 326.61 in trading Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange.

The merger between Comcast Time Warner to create a giant in the field of media controls about one-third of the u.s. market for packages provided by contributions and the acquisition of a share of 22.3% in the US market for broadband subscriptions according to the Foundation, "Moffett nathanson.

Comcast is the largest company in the industry and the largest cable television operator in the United States with a subscriber base of 53 million in capital market 144.5 billion dollars, while the number of subscribers of time Warner Cable about 15 million customers and a market capitalization of $ 37.6 billion. Movil Ta

Europe invites to alleviate the domination of America Online

Europe invites to alleviate the domination of America Online
The European Commission called on Wednesday for the United States to reduce the impact of the regulation of the Internet in a sign of the tension caused by the spying scandal which triggered by the previous contractor on the US National Security Agency Edward Snowden.

UNHCR failed-the executive arm of the European Union-claim to tighten Government control, calling for transparency and reduce the impact on the institutions that control Internet technologies including those assigned to assign addresses of websites which allow computers to locate other computers on the network.

Currently, any corporation. c. a. the (ICANN) in California working on contract with the u.s. Government to oversee the process of accession of new addresses for the Web.

She said the European Commission responsible for communication policy Neelie Kroes "Europe participate in finding a credible way to Internet governance in the world." "Europe should play a powerful role in the definition of the shape that it is in the future."

And responsible European approach endorsed by many key stakeholders to achieve Internet governance is supported by the United States, the private sector and cooperate under its umbrella non-governmental organizations and States, academics and private organizations to determine the nature of the work of the network.

Shows how determined Europe to achieve these demands in a series of major conferences this year, including one in April balbrasilbalti emerged as one of the main States that electronic surveillance programs criticized.

The European Union was falling early last year about threats to suspend agreements granted the United States access to European data, rejecting calls for a tougher stance after disclosure of the spying scandal.

ICANN's Vice President for Europe Nigel haixun "Governments role within ICANN and will be strengthened in the future," he said, adding that internationalization has existed already before Snowden.

UNHCR moves come at a time in which members of the European Parliament to respond to the spy scandal. Movil Ta

Tens of thousands took part in a demonstration of electronic

Tens of thousands took part in a demonstration of electronic
Tens of thousands of free Internet in cooperation with many international organizations, Tuesday, in vigils against espionage activities of the national security agency.

The enormous number of opponents of the surveillance activities for Internet users around the world, rain members of Congress with phone calls and e-mails, in addition to organizing demonstrations around the world.

He participated in the demonstration, which is dubbed "the day we" make 18,000 telephone calls and send 50,000 e-mail message to members of the u.s. Congress mid Tuesday, demonstrations in 15 countries around the world.

And solidarity with the Vigil, many companies and websites, such as "answered" and "Boeing 727" and "Mozilla" and many others, according to the Arabic news portal.

The activist said the Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF "non-profit," Rainey Reitman, the aim of the "respond" it put an end to the espionage activities carried out by intelligence agencies, such as the US National Security Agency.

Reitman said that this campaign is a unique political moment in which everyone seeks to reform the system, especially after the leaks uncovered by contractor with the national security agency, Edward Snowden, last year 2013.

For its part, the Web sites participating in the protest campaign Tuesday, an apparent logo on their pages, called the campaign "the day we respond", these logos were encouraged readers to sites their phone numbers and e-mail addresses to contact members of Congress to urge them to support the "law of liberty in the United States."

In the same context, said Reitman said more than 100,000 people have signed a petition opposing an international observation activities, within a few hours of its launch.

It should be noted that this campaign comes days after a number of major US technology companies, including Twitter, new disclosures about the national security requests they received, after the US authorities allowed them to provide their employees with a number of such requests, and the number of accounts affected, and the percentage that responded. Movil Ta

Smart glasses see cancer cells

Smart glasses see cancer cells
Developed by researchers from the University of Washington smart glasses enable wearers the ability to distinguish cancer cells in the body during surgical procedure.

Smart eyewear gives cancer cells in the body are color coded during the surgical procedure, which is blue to distinguish them from normal cells, according to the website "Engadget".

Despite the test glasses in real surgery, the team said it still needs further development before being used extensively during operations.

The doctor said Jolie marghinthlr which conducted the first surgery using the glasses, that this new technology would make surgeons practices for additional surgery to make sure there is no cancer cells after excision of tumors. Movil Ta

iPhone 6

iPhone 6
Group of pictures via Twitter for what is believed to be the new generation of the iPhone, called the iPhone a "6" site "so please" technical specialist.

Was a user named Sonny Dixon, one of the first published these photos via Twitter, it became famous as the subject of sets of photos leaked for two components "for iPhone 5" and "iPad mini" screen "ritna".

And talking pictures, that is correct, ensure that the next generation of the iPhone's screen is larger and thinner edges, and is consistent in several preliminary reports about the properties expected for alshukla phone "iPhone".

Press reports have spoken earlier about Apple's intention to put two of the new generation of mobile phones iPhone have screens larger than the previous generation from 4.7 and 5.7 inches. Movil Ta

Nokia lumia Akon

Nokia lumia Akon
Nokia has unveiled its advanced smart phone specifications "lumia Akon", which consists of a metal structure, back cover of albikerbonit.

The size of the device weighs 166 grams, and thin 9.9 milmetrat, screen, type "oualid" five inches, the picture shows the "full transparency", which is characterized by the density equal to 144 pixels per inch, high sensitivity be used even if the user to wear gloves, and covered with scratch-resistant glass "gorilla".

Supported device Wizard "Snapdragon 800" quad-core processor, which runs at 2.2 GHz, RAM 2 GB, internal storage of 32 GB.

The company provided her phone, which has not announced any information on when or whether to put universal camera "pure view" precisely 20 mega pixels supported by optical stabilization system and lens from Zeiss.

The device has four built-in microphones, allowing audio recording high resolution when capturing video, a technical device also supports "near-term", come on battery capacity 2420 milliamps per hour.

And the device works with operating system Windows phone 8 ", will be released in the u.s. by Verizon with a two-year contract and $ 200. Movil Ta

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4
The Japanese electronics giant announced, Sony Corp., sales of 4.2 million units of video game machine PlayStation 4 "during the past year.

Thus, the Japanese company overtook rival Microsoft should ", with its" Xbox, "which sold 3 million units only.

The two companies were the only two organs last November, after about 7 years of a previous generation of devices on the market.

And compete with the new generation of two "PlayStation" and the "Xbox" modern computer games that use a Smartphone and tablet.

The average daily sales for a PlayStation 4, "approximately 98 a device, while the average sales" Xbox "77 a device on a daily basis.

These figures indicate the continued popularity of gaming among traditional consumers willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get these devices.

And sold a "PlayStation" priced at $ 399, while sold a "Xbox" for $ 499.

Sony had sold more than 9.7 million a game for use with your PlayStation 3 ". Movil Ta

Sony Water Bottles

Sony Water Bottles
Sony Corp. has decided to promote the latest musical family "triggers Walkman" resistance to water in an innovative way, and offered for sale in bottles filled with water.

Despite offering the player more than a year ago, Sony decided to revive sales through a new experience in cooperation with the Agency, draft FCB "advertising in New Zealand, taking the player in the transparent water bottles to prove efficiency, according to the Web site of" next ".

Published "Sonny" promoted video online under the name "canned" Walkman, the possibility of selling the player demonstrates through the sale of drinks in public places like gyms. Movil Ta

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Nokia Android

Nokia Android
Recent press reports confirmed the intention of the Finnish company Nokia introduced a low-cost Smartphone with Android operating system developed by Google, despite the strong partnership between Nokia and Microsoft developed a Windows iPhone competitor to Android in smartphones.

He said a report published Monday in the Wall Street Journal that the mobile unit in the Finnish company, which would become a Microsoft takeover deal, said the new device will be presented at the Global Conference for mobile phones which will be held in Barcelona in late February.

The new phone is targeted at emerging markets and will be featuring some of the basic advantages of the Android OS, the report said.

Microsoft and Nokia partner seeks home phone to leave a footprint in the Smartphone market, which is dominated by two companies Samsung that use Android and Apple.

According to data company "strategic analitk" research in the area of technology, 79 percent of smart phones sold in the last year running Android and 15 percent of iPhone with Apple OS and only four percent are running Windows phone. Movil Ta

Huawei smart phone

Huawei smart phone
"Huawei" company intends to disclose the number of new devices, including smart clock during MWC 2014, to be held later this month in Barcelona.

The report of the newspaper the Wall Street Journal that Huawei is planning to launch a smart clock, without any reference to their specifications, and therefore does not know whether the company intends to put it as a low-cost clock specification medium, or advanced specifications.

and the company plans to announce two PCs 7 and new and new smart phone, the report indicates that the phone would not be expected to Ascend P7.

The leaks indicated that Huawei might pose MediaPad Tablet PC x 1, which will come with 7-inch display with Full HD.

It appears that the company, which is one of the famous Chinese companies manufacturer of mobile phones, has begun moving towards market wearable intelligent devices, a market that volunteered for many big companies, like Samsung and Google.

Recent reports had predicted sales of more than 90 million smart device subject to wear this year, most of these devices to monitor user activity, and health. Movil Ta

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

Nokia and HTC

Nokia and HTC
Nokia signed an agreement on HTC mutual benefit from their particular patents by the Taiwanese company HTC, agreement between the two sides came after rounds of (fighting) in a mutually satisfactory solution.

This agreement is the first of its kind since we have moved you to a news story a few days ago for a similar agreement between Google and Samsung to share their patents for 10 years, as the current agreement stipulates that HTC Nokia patents for a very low fee, in contrast, Nokia can also benefit from Taiwanese company patents the LTE standard.

The agreement also provides for the possibility of technological cooperation in one of the future projects, either for HTC, this is the second agreement after a similar agreement from Apple, which will return the current agreement beneficial to both parties as legal battles he will sign them... Movil ta

70 years of the invention of the first "electronic computer"

first electronic computer
Celebrated veteran in decoding, Wednesday, the seventieth anniversary of the invention of the first electronic computer, which was used by the German army during World War II.

On that date, Hitler and the senior army generals in a "kolosas or to any" to decode the complex for the first dog.

The aim of the invention of the "kolosas" was to speed up the process of decoding.

With the approach of the second world war to an end, has been producing 10 such devices that have had a significant impact on the course of events.

And experts are scheduled to meet in this device family, Wednesday, at Bletchley Park, and is the headquarters for operations in the United Kingdom, decrypted code to celebrate the occasion.

The ceremony will be a detailed presentation of how the device worked, starting with his objection to the letter, and even successful decode, depending on model rebuilt lkolosas. Movil Ta

Apple + MetaData

apple +MetaData
Developer and analyst said us data that succeeded in getting Apple's approval to launch the application keeps track of the drone attacks to store application "app store", according to the Arabic news portal.

Josh said, via his Twitter account, that Apple approved application available for download on the iPhone smart phones via the store "app store", an app called ' MetaData.

And the application, a site specializing in technology news, updates with attacks by us drones in all parts of the world, and provides information on how successful those attacks and their victims.

The application includes an archive of attacks by the u.s. drones over the past few years, the application also allows users to browse a map showing the places where the target of attacks and the number of attacks.

Bigley had tried to get Apple approval application in 2012, but his attempts failed until used in a way to circumvent the system review the company's application.

The developer provide application + MetaData for review without content and under application of Roundup, to get approval from "Apple" to deploy the application, and then provide the application archive for attacks by us drone aircraft with a feature to update the information immediately after the attacks.

Bigley, publishes updates on the attacks that the quality of u.s. aircraft with the new application simultaneously with an account on Twitter under the name dronestream @, which is the account that contains the archive such aircraft attacks since 2002. Movil Ta

Google Olympics in Sochi

Google Olympics in Sochi
The Google engine to search online for the Winter Olympics in Sochi with a draw on the homepage on the day of the opening ceremony, Friday, chose the colors of the Rainbow which are also used in the science of homeopathy to reflect certain sports highlighted.

And while organizers in Sochi set of colors for the sports in the games has not been used in the drawing that serves 6 sports games than red, Orange, yellow, green, blue and violet.

In addition, Google research text translated from the Olympic Charter, "the practice of sport is a human right that should be available to any person, without distinction of any kind and in the Olympic spirit which is based on mutual understanding in an atmosphere of friendship and solidarity and the spirit of sport."

Russia reportedly has been criticized because its law against homosexuals, who last summer, and the case was overshadowed by preparations for the Sochi games will be the first event which will result in providing medals Saturday

Apple Android

Apple Android
Detection of Steve Wozniak, who founded with Steve Apple believed Apple was smart phone depends on the Android operating system developed by rival Google.

Wozniak's comments came in an interview with "Wired" on the sidelines "ABS World North America's mobile application.

"There is nothing to prevent Apple from staying out of the market Android phones as a secondary option, the company can compete in the market of Android and iOS in one time.

"Users love your precious design and manufacturing method that we use in our products compared to other products operating system Android.We can play in two areas at the same time. "

Locked Apple iPhone and iPad applications which develops iPod to iOS frantic competition with a group of companies (Samsung, LG, HTC and others) depend on the Android operating system developed by Google.

The latest statistics indicate that the share of Android globally exceeded 81 percent compared to about 13 percent for iOS developed by Apple, and this prompted the company to low-cost version of the iPhone to compensate for the decline. movil ta

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Twitter Losses

Twitter Losses
Twitter announced to a net loss of $ 645 million in 2013, resulting in low stock price by about 17 percent.

The stock price reached to 54, $ 24, despite data that showed that Twitter revenues reached 242.6 million dollars during the last quarter of 2013.

The company also recorded weak growth in the number of users reached 30 per cent, the equivalent of 241 million.
The first time the company disclosed its financial results since becoming a public company after its shares in the stock market last year.

And the company achieved revenues amounting to 665 million dollars last year, compared with 316 million in 2012.

The Twitter scoot for almost 7 years, and has been a great success outside of America where it was created.

Britain is the biggest markets Twitter outside the United States.

Britain. Internet Security

Britain. Internet Security
Businesses pledged in private and Government in Britain by enhancing Internet security, drawing on the results of a simulation of an attack on banks.

The companies are trying to reassure customers after escalation of attack from the Internet by providing the means used by the activists of the invaders.

Targeted banks in the United Kingdom over the coordinated attacks on the Internet, or by certain lenders sites.

The Bank of England said Wednesday in a report on the results of the event that the financial community in London tested its ability to respond through a simulation of an attack in August.

And test banks and investment exchanges in the face of a coordinated attack on the Internet by "hostile State aimed at causing a major disruption or confusion," simulators.

Participated in this exercise about 220 Bank experts and observers and Government officials in advance of market infrastructure services

Galaxy s5 February

Galaxy s5
Galaxy s5 on February 24
Samsung is preparing to launch the fifth generation of smart phones "Galaxy s" during its participation at Mobile World Congress which will start in the Spanish city of Barcelona on Feb. 23.

And smart devices sector experts that Samsung decided to accelerate the launch of Galaxy s 5 to offset weak sales bucked expectations for your Galaxy s 4, and step up competition with the iPhone 5 as well as the latest from Apple.

Is expected to provide new phone screen measured 5.2 inch 1440 x 2560 pixel, 3 GB of RAM, as well as the rear camera 16 Megapixel camera resolution, it may be equipped with a fingerprint scanner, battery power 3000 mah.

Reports suggested that Samsung will launch two versions of the phone, one with a processor Exynos and other snabdraghon 805 processor.. Movil ta

Apple iPen

Apple iPen
Apple's clever little twist for use with iPhone and iPad and iPod showed a new patent by the US company in Europe.

The application for the registration of patents to the name iPen, which will be called the new product.

It would be "iPen" is a multifunctional pen works as a laser pointer, or a voice recorder or Mini projector.

The documents also indicated that the registry of the Apple Smartphone will compact digital camera, which allowed him to record the transaction in the same way a computer mouse laser.

Apple's new pen will rely on rechargeable battery via USB serial port. movil ta

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