sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

70 years of the invention of the first "electronic computer"

first electronic computer
Celebrated veteran in decoding, Wednesday, the seventieth anniversary of the invention of the first electronic computer, which was used by the German army during World War II.

On that date, Hitler and the senior army generals in a "kolosas or to any" to decode the complex for the first dog.

The aim of the invention of the "kolosas" was to speed up the process of decoding.

With the approach of the second world war to an end, has been producing 10 such devices that have had a significant impact on the course of events.

And experts are scheduled to meet in this device family, Wednesday, at Bletchley Park, and is the headquarters for operations in the United Kingdom, decrypted code to celebrate the occasion.

The ceremony will be a detailed presentation of how the device worked, starting with his objection to the letter, and even successful decode, depending on model rebuilt lkolosas. Movil Ta

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