sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014

Apple + MetaData

apple +MetaData
Developer and analyst said us data that succeeded in getting Apple's approval to launch the application keeps track of the drone attacks to store application "app store", according to the Arabic news portal.

Josh said, via his Twitter account, that Apple approved application available for download on the iPhone smart phones via the store "app store", an app called ' MetaData.

And the application, a site specializing in technology news, updates with attacks by us drones in all parts of the world, and provides information on how successful those attacks and their victims.

The application includes an archive of attacks by the u.s. drones over the past few years, the application also allows users to browse a map showing the places where the target of attacks and the number of attacks.

Bigley had tried to get Apple approval application in 2012, but his attempts failed until used in a way to circumvent the system review the company's application.

The developer provide application + MetaData for review without content and under application of Roundup, to get approval from "Apple" to deploy the application, and then provide the application archive for attacks by us drone aircraft with a feature to update the information immediately after the attacks.

Bigley, publishes updates on the attacks that the quality of u.s. aircraft with the new application simultaneously with an account on Twitter under the name dronestream @, which is the account that contains the archive such aircraft attacks since 2002. Movil Ta

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