martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Apps NSA

                                                                   Apps NSA
Apps NSA
Came again more spy scandals that US National Security Agency NSA is a party, as the New York Times newspaper published yesterday, new documents quoted former US client Edward Snowden confirmed that the Agency collects information about users of Smartphone applications.

American newspaper has been publishing leaked documents from client Edward Snowden published yesterday a new document underlines that the Security Agency NSA alokomi in cooperation with British counterpart, GCHQ, they collect information on users of Smartphone applications, these applications (Angry Birds, Google Maps, Facebook and others).

According to the New York Times, and after using any of the applications on your Smartphone, the application sends the information about the geographic location of the user in addition to the list of friends, all this information is sent to the data collection centers for NSA and GCHQ.

Following the disclosure of this information is the responsibility of the companies digital world in cooperation with intelligence agencies spy on users despite these companies denied categorically, and continuing to this information.

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